Be sure to check the 2010 Archive link to the left to read Heidi's recent surgery story from the beginning. You can also see pictures of her knee surgery in 2002.

Welcome to Heidi's blog and Thanks for your concern on Heidi's progress!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Never ceases to me amaze me!

Heidi never ceases to amaze me. Just now, I saw her try to scratch her body with her right hind leg! She didn't quite make it though. Still a little stiff on the right side. Heidi's recovery seems to go for a little while at a certain pace. And then, she makes leaps and bounds of progress overnight. She did this to me again this week. I was just starting to worry that her pain level might be hard to manage because she just wasn't feeling like herself yet. But this week, she pretty much decided that staying in that crate during the day and through the night was for the birds! On Sunday she started whining at me when I'd put her in the crate at bed time. On Tuesday night she wore me down and I finally let her sleep in the bed with me. It was either let her out or laugh at her all night and never sleep. She stayed on the bed all night and never approached the steps to get down. She's afraid to go down them right now (which is a good thing!) even though they are tiny puppy steps and have only a 4 inch rise. I'm planning on replacing the steps with a ramp but for now she gets carried on and off the bed.

Since then, she's been very interested in playing and her personality is completely returned so I know she's feeling really good. This morning she did one of her trademark "Heidi" maneuvers to say "Good Morning". She puts her head down and underneath herself like she's getting ready to stand on her head. Then, she tucks her head right into the nape of my neck. All the while she's smiling and wagging her tail (very cute). This has been a morning ritual with her for the past 10 years. I have no idea why she loves to do it so much but and I was very happy to see her do it.

As far as walking goes, she's doing a bit better. She doesn't cross her hind legs anymore. She stumbles every once in a while, but for the most part she's pretty stable. And she very rarely lets her right hind toes knuckle over. I shot this video on Sunday. It's outside and she's wearing her cute pink horsey-style coat so its a little hard to see her legs at times. But if you watch it all the way through I think you'll get a good idea of how well she's able to walk. Of course, I'm very proud of her and very happy with her progress. She will go to physical therapy on Friday at the Paradise Animal Hospital. I'll be sure to bring my camera for that. I can't wait to see them put her in the pool!

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