Be sure to check the 2010 Archive link to the left to read Heidi's recent surgery story from the beginning. You can also see pictures of her knee surgery in 2002.

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Almost a full body shake!

I came home at lunch time today and woke Heidi up from her nap. She was a little groggy but very happy to see me. She was shaking a little bit after she woke up and I couldn't figure out why. It wasn't until later that I remembered I didn't give her the Diazepam this morning and that she must just be anxious (because she was nice and warm and couldn't be "shivering" from being cold, and, she didn't seem like she was in any discomfort). So, I visited for a little bit and gave her meds with a little bit of food, waited for her to pee and poop, and then went back to work. When I got home after work at 6:00, she was shaking again.  But after she ate her dinner she soon relaxed and went sound asleep in my arms while we sat on the couch and watched TV.  Later on, I sat down on the floor with her (the floor is carpeted) and let her move around a little bit on her own. She seemed happy to walk (I use that term loosely) over and check out her toys and have a little freedom. But she soon became tired so I put her back up on the couch (then I took the picture).  There's no real change in her use of her right hind leg. If I had to say anything was different today I would say that she is still just getting a little stronger. She gets up a little easier, she wags her tail a little easier, and she is more interested in moving around.  She's also been doing a couple of funny things. Sometimes she stands on her hands. Sometimes she even walks on her hands!  Its hilarious.  And, she's been trying deparately to do a full body shake. Usually it just goes down half way and then stops, but I think she got a full shake in today. If it wasn't a full shake, it was pretty darn close. Of course she usually falls down afterward, but today she caught herself and didn't fall all the way down. It was very cute.

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