Be sure to check the 2010 Archive link to the left to read Heidi's recent surgery story from the beginning. You can also see pictures of her knee surgery in 2002.

Welcome to Heidi's blog and Thanks for your concern on Heidi's progress!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Heidi came home today!!!

Heidi was able to come home from the hospital today. She looked MUCH better today than she did on Monday. They said they had been having trouble getting the pain meds into her (she's very smart and knows how to eat around a pill!) but today they are sure they got it in her and it really shows. Her expression was much brighter and I was thrilled to see her feeling better. She continues to be able to support her weight somewhat on her left side but not on the right side. She did give us a little waggle of her tail when she saw me. So that's good. They want me to try to get her to support her weight several times a day. There's no way to tell how long it will be before she can use that right leg. But the Dr. doesn't seem too worried because the disk material had been embedded in the right side of the cord and so he expects it will take longer for the right side to heal. After we got home, I got her settled in her little home-made portable hospital bed and then I gave her some food and her medicine at 5:00pm. She seemed to enjoy the food part but not the medicine part.

Later on in the evening, I carried her downstairs to the family room in her little portable bed and sat her on the couch next to me while I worked on the computer and watched TV. I spent a little time playing with her back feet to see how much she could feel and she was able to feel me tickling between her toes and she was able to curl her toes on both feet and push against the pressure of my hands. I think that is a very good sign. After that she slept for a while. And then later on she seemed restless and really struggled to sit up and try to go somewhere. So I tried to help her by pushing her back feet up underneath her butt and holding them steady for her. Then, she stood up! It was incredible! I was so excited! Then she continued to try to do something. It took me a few seconds to figure it out, but she was trying to climb out of her bed and into my lap! Poor baby desperately wanted to be in Mommy's lap :) So of course I helped her, and then she slept on my chest with her little head tucked under my chin for about an hour. When she woke up, I'm not exactly sure what happened, but she moved and then started yelping. I don't know what was hurting her but obviously she was in a position that wasn't comfortable so I quickly moved her off of me and back into her little bed and she stopped yelping Thank Goodness! I just hate when that happens. I feel so helpless when she's crying. But she seemed fine afterwards and I took her back to her bed upstairs so she can go night night. And I'm sure she's sound asleep by now.

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